Monday 1 November 2021

The Wedding Industry Awards

In the past at this time of year I would have been heading out to the local wedding fairs exhibiting my flowers and talking to the lovely couples who are newly engaged or getting around to planning their wedding. With all that has happened over the last few years and with many of the fairs that I attend still not back up and running I am looking at different avenues to market and gain exposure.

With that in mind I have entered The Wedding Industry Awards. I have entered previously and always got through to the Regional finals. 

Only couples who have married between 10th October 2020 and 29th November 2021 can vote and if you are one of these couples I have emailed you a link to use. The feedback I have received from the couples already voted has blown me away! So thank you if that is you.

The regional finalists are announced in early December, so fingers crossed until then.

These awards are a great way of finding out what couples really think of my business, voting is anonymous, and for getting fabulous testimonials to use and encourage other couples to get in touch to discuss their flowers. Hopefully the further I can get, there are regional finals and then the national final, the greater the audience my business is exposed to.

Keep an eye on social media and here on the blog for updates as and when I receive them!

If you are looking for a wedding florist please visit the website, link top right, and if you wish to book a consultation you may use this link

Sandra x